Dave's Winter Projects

March 25, 2022


As you know our Dave loves a project and over the winter he has worked on our entrance with some fab rope and post fencing, and an amazing 'local' sign post. 

Last year Dave acquired an old boat which he has restored, painting it in our park colours, and completing with some trial perennials which we hope will withstand all weather conditions!

Regulars to Little Trevothan will notice the tree at the entrance has had some serious pruning this winter - unfortunately the tree has succumbed to ash dieback.  Our tree surgeon has recommended this drastic action to all our ash trees and we wait to see the results. 

Another huge decision this winter was to remove all the Leylandii from our holiday caravan field.  Great for hedge screening, but so fast growing and impossible to cut back without it dying, some of these hedges had grown to 4 metres wide!  Thanks to a neighbour in Trevothen we have started to plant griselinia littoralis - not quite so fast growing, but evergreen and will be so much easier to control.

There have been other changes over the winter, and more to come as we settle into our sixth season - watch this space for more news!

from our Little Trevothan family x

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